august, 2021
28aug1:00 pm2:00 pmSculpture Panel Discussionwith Debbie Korbel, Susan Amorde, and Jesse Standlea

Event Details
Pictured: Jesse Standlea, “Stretch, Weight, Relaxed, Proud, Twisted” Title: Sculpture Panel Discussion Date: August 28th Time: 1 pm Featuring: Debbie Korbel, Susan Amorde, and
Event Details
Pictured: Jesse Standlea, “Stretch, Weight, Relaxed, Proud, Twisted”
Title: Sculpture Panel Discussion
Date: August 28th
Time: 1 pm
Featuring: Debbie Korbel, Susan Amorde, and Jesse Standlea
This panel discussion will feature Debbie Korbel, Susan Amorde and Jess Standlea in a conversation about creating three-dimensional work within the Perceive Me Exhibition. As an artform sculpture is unique in its use of mass and space, it is to be viewed from all sides, and it entices audiences to touch the surface of the work to feel it’s texture and solidity.
(Saturday) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Studio Channel Islands Art Center
2222 Ventura Boulevard, Camarillo, CA 93010