“Orange Drape” by Lesley Bodzy

By July 30, 2020

Acrylic, Peruvian powdered pigments, nails
20″ x 14″

I am interested in exploring the nexus between painting and sculpture, through the themes of absence and presence, hiding and revealing, wrapping and

I am interested in discovering new processes and new materials. I seek to create a unique dialogue with the viewer, by combining found materials and juxtaposing surfaces like foam, plexiglass and aluminum. I often use homemade tools, and
pour and toss the paint.

With each piece, I embark upon a journey of discovery, for myself and for the viewer. I begin with a vision. Then, I’m pushed to change it when confronted with the constraints of the process. Navigating the tension between the vision and the reality is similar to finding solutions to the challenges we face in life. For me, this is the reward of making art.

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