01febAll Day21Emergence 2025Emerging Artist Showcase


03febAll Day23Emergence 2024Emerging Artist Showcase

02marAll Day29SCIART Member Retrospective25th Anniversary Exhibition

06aprAll Day25maySynesthesia: Exploring the Sensory SymphonyMelanie Roschko & Robin Tripaldi

01junAll Day27julThe Arcade of HypermodernityCurated by Jason Jenn & Vojislav Radovanović

03aug(aug 3)12:00 am28sep(sep 28)11:59 pmOpen Call: All Media 2024Juror: Mika Cho

05oct(oct 5)12:00 am14dec(dec 14)11:59 pmSCIART2525th Anniversary Exhibition


04feb(feb 4)11:00 am24(feb 24)5:00 pmEmergence 2023Emerging Artist Showcase

04marAll Day24Collectors Choice 2023Juror: Dani Dodge

01aprAll Day27mayDIS CONNECTIONCurated by Elana Kundell

03junAll Day29julSacred Space: Reflections UnseenCurated by Carlos Heredia

05aug(aug 5)12:00 am30sep(sep 30)11:59 pmThe Next Big Thing 2023Juror: Shana Nys Dambrot

07octAll Day18novTension / FormBob Privitt, Susan Amorde, Stephen Dee Edwards, & Anne Bedrick

07oct(oct 7)11:00 am18nov(nov 18)3:00 pmSynergy: Abstractions in Full ColorMembers Gallery Exhibition featuring Julia Pinkham & Jeanne Ayers

30novAll Day16decAcross the Divide: Just in TimeCelebrating 20 years of Artistic Dialogue


05febAll Day23Emergence 2022Emerging Artist Showcase

05marAll Day26Collectors Choice 2022Juror: Sarah Russin

02aprAll Day28mayE Pluribus UnumRichard William Barnett, Daggi Wallace, & Kerstin Zilm

02apr(apr 2)4:00 pm30(apr 30)3:00 pmDisplacement and ResilienceMembers Gallery Exhibition

04junAll Day30julEchoes of NatureWorks by Contemporary Chinese Artists

06aug(aug 6)12:00 am24sep(sep 24)11:59 pmThe Next Big Thing 2022Juror: David Pagel

06aug(aug 6)11:00 am24sep(sep 24)3:00 pmView PointsMembers Gallery Exhibition

01octAll Day04decCOLORSPACECarlos Grasso, Ariane Leiter, Margaret Korisheli, & Barry Frantz

17dec3:00 pm9:00 pmThe AwakeningPop-up Exhibition


06marAll Day22mayCollectors Choice 2021Juror: Jo Lauria

05junAll Day31julMojaveCurated by Mollie Doctrow and Gabriel Thorburn

07augAll Day25sepPerceive MeCurated by Kristine Schomaker

02oct(oct 2)12:00 am20nov(nov 20)11:59 pmThe Next Big Thing 2021Juror: Peter Mays

03decAll Day18WrappedPop-up Members Exhibition


15febAll Day29Richard Barnett 100 PortraitsPop-up Exhibition

15febAll Day29Gallery VirginsEmerging Artist Showcase

07marAll Day06junCollectors Choice 2020Juror: Katherine Chang Liu

13junAll Day25julThere and Back AgainExhibition

01aug12:00 am12sep(sep 12)11:59 pmThe Next Big Thing 2020Juror: Leah Ollman

01octAll Day25novA Time to GatherMembers Gallery Exhibition

03octAll Day21novNeighborsExhibition

01decAll Day19Elemental DreamsExhibition


04janAll Day26New RevolutionsJuried Exhibition

06marAll Day23Collectors Choice 2019Juror: Kristine Schomaker

30marAll Day18mayThe IllusionistsCurated by Michael Pearce

03augAll Day21sepLight and Space Through TimeKarrie Ross Solo Exhibition

27sep7:30 pm9:00 pmSentenced to DeathPop-up Exhibition with Miss Art World

05octAll Day16novMagical RealismOmar d’León | Andrea Yomtob | John Duron

04decAll Day14IlluminatedLinda Sue Price | David Isakson | Lisa Shulte


02janAll Day27TriangulationJoe Cibere | Avery Falkner | Blossom Friel

03mayAll Day30junKEEP-SAKE & Fluidity of GenderGale Fulton-Ross and Linda Stein

05jul(jul 5)12:00 am18aug(aug 18)11:59 pmThe Next Big Thing 2018Juror: Peter Frank

01sepAll Day27octEarthly DelightsCurated by Carol Shaw Sutton

02novAll Day15decElementsRoxie Ray | Susan Petty | W. Scott Miles


01aprAll Day06mayCalifornia Fibers: Time

10mayAll Day13Social FictionPop-up Exhibition

18may(may 18)12:00 am24jun(jun 24)11:59 pmThe Next Big Thing 2017Juror: Tish Greenwood

03augAll Day02sepBorders, Edges, and Seams

04augAll Day26Making AmendsWyatt Amend | Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend | Richard Amend

15sepAll Day18novLA/LAndscapesReal and Imagined


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